Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lessons from Esther (III)

My Beloved Sister, there is a lot we can learn from Esther. I hope you read more about her and get some tips which I may not mention.

Today’s lesson from Esther is “Character Matters”.

One great thing about Esther is that she obtained favour in the sight of all that looked upon her. It is established that Esther was beautiful. Don’t you think that this was reason for people to be envious of her? But there must have been something about her that made people like her. It must have been her character.

Character would help to attract (or repel) people, including your king. There is nothing like a perfect character, but there could be areas of our character that need improvement. One way to identify those things is to ask your close friends and family members. Don’t feel bad if they give you a long list of areas where you can change. These are people that have accepted you for who you are and love you just the way you are.

I’ll give you a personal example. My youngest sister told me I always criticize and look out for flaws in what people do. Though she did not say it constructively (which is what people do not like), she had a point. I did not throw away that part of me (now I am being paid for that– quality checking). But I knew that in dealing with people, I had to be more appreciative of the good things they do and constrain the desire to find fault until I am able to say it constructively.

With a good character, you will find favour and people will love you. With a good character, people see beyond your physical beauty or flaws. Such fades away but a good character lasts. A good character is very attractive.

As you prepare for your King, take some time out to ask God to reveal to you those areas in you character that need change. He is ready to show you and help you change. Even when you marry, do not stop asking God to reveal to you these areas for improvement. Be prepared to receive instruction.

Recommended Reading
1. Character Is Destiny: The Value of Personal Ethics in Everyday Life by Russell Gough
2. Choose the Happiness Habit by Pam Golden
My Very Best Wishes...


anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

This is nyce.u will make a good pastor

Rita said...

@ Anonymous gal
Where did the pastor come from??